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Elita, Nelson and Illahi, Ayu Kurnia and Sari, Deliana Andam and Yulensri, Yulensri and Maulina, Fri and Karmaita, Yummama and Kurniasih, Dedeh and Yulita, Resa and Yanti, Rinda (2022) Effect of Types of Organic Materials and Microbial Enrichment on C/N Ratio, Nutrition of Compost, and Microbe Population with Trichoderma sp. Indigenous Activators. Sosial Science Journal, 12 (6).
Elita, Nelson and Agustamar, Agustamar and Yulensri, Yulensri (2013) Korelasi Mikroorganisme Pelarut Fospat dan Pupuk P dalam Pola SRI-Organik untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Sawah Intensifikasi Serta Produksi Padi. LUMBUNG, 12 (1). pp. 87-93.
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna (2019) The Role of Various Types and Dosage of Biological Compost (Bio-Compost) on Biology and Soil Fertility in Ginger (Zingiber officinale. L). In: CONFERENCE PROCEEDING 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SECURITY IN FOOD, RENEWABLE RESOURCES, AND NATURAL MEDICINES 2019 (SFRN 2019). pusat penelitian dan pengabdian pada masyarakat Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang. ISBN 9786025126284
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna (2019) Applications of Various Types and Dosage of BIo-Composts on Ginger Plant (Zinggiber Officinale L). In: SAFE 2019 : green agri-food energy production for a better world in a changing climate. SAFE Network.
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna (2019) Teknik aplikasi bio-poc pada tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.) the technique of bio-liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) aplication on maize (Zea mays L.). In: Prosiding seminar nasional terapan riset invovatif "opportunities and challenges of the industry 4.0 : how redy is vocational education?"". POLMAN BABEL.
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna (2018) The Study of Various Compositions of Biofertilizers in Organic Fertilizer on Biocompost Quality. In: conference programme papers abstracts. SAFE Network.
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna (2018) The study of various compositions of biological fertilizer in liquid organic fertilizer on biological liquid organic fertilizer quality. In: the 2 international conference on security in food, renewable resources, and natural medicines 2018. SFRN.
Yulensri, Yulensri and Arneti, Arneti and Putrina, Misfit and Aliza, Pon (2017) Penerapan biopestisida dan biofertilizer untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi padi yang terinfeksi penyakit bercak coklat dengan beberapa teknik aplikasi. In: prosiding seminar nasional "keberlanjutan pertanian indonesia : tantangan dan peluang menuju peningkatan daya saing global". Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh.
Yulensri, Yulensri and Arneti, Arneti and Putrina, Misfit and Adrialis, Adrialis (2017) Aplikasi berbagai formula, dosis dan waktu pemberian biofertilizer seratia marcecens, bacillus thuringiensis dan pseudomonasfluorescens terhadap hara tanah dan jaringan tanaman. In: prosiding seminar nasional "inovasi teknologi dalam mewujudkan kemandirian pangan nasional berkelanjutan". Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh. ISBN 978-602-51262-0-8
Erlinda, Rita and Yulensri, Yulensri and Adrialis, Adrialis (2016) Potensi Corinebacterium sp sebagai agens pengendali hayati penyakit bulai dan Rhyzobacteria Pengatur Pertumbuhan Tanaman (RPPT) pada Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays). In: Seminar Nasional Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh: Dampak Perubahan Iklim terhadap Biodervisitas Pertanian Indonesia (Analisis Kebijakan Inter Sektor). Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh.
Yulensri, Yulensri and Agustamar, Agustamar and Putrina, Misfit and Aliza, Pon (2016) Formulation serretia marcecens SLK, Bacillus Thuringiensis SB1 and Pseudomonas fluorescens Pyk indigenus with a variety of media formulations. In: prosiding seminar nasional "dampak perubahan iklim terhadap biodiversitas pertanian indonesia (Analisis kebijakan inter sektor). Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh.
Yulensri, Yulensri and Agustamar, Agustamar and Putrina, Misfit and Aliza, Pon (2015) Pengaruh perlakuan benih dengan ryzhobactria terhadap intensitas serangan penyakit bercak coklat dan produksi padi sawah metode sri. In: prosiding seminar nasional " ketahanan pangan dan pertanian berkelanjutan : tantangan dan peluang implementasi teknologi dalam perspektif nasional". Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh. ISBN 978-979-98691-7-3
Yulensri, Yulensri and Putrina, Misfit and Murti, Kresna (2020) Plagiarisme check : Efektifitas Bio-Kompos dan BioPoc Terhadap Serangan Hama Penggerek Batang (Ostrinia Furnacalis) pada Jagung Manis. Agritech.
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna (2020) Plagiarisme check : TEKNIK APLIKASI BIO-POC PADA TANAMAN JAGUNG (Zea mays L.) THE TECHNIQUE OF BIO-LIQUID ORGANIC FERTILIZER (LOF) APPLICATION ON MAIZE (Zea mays L.). Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh. (Unpublished)
Yulensri, Yulensri and Putrina, Misfit and Murti, Kresna (2020) peer review : applicatiions of bio-liquid organic fertilizer (bio-lof) to increase the growth and production of corn (zea mays). Science signpost publishing. (Unpublished)
Yulensri, Yulensri and Putrina, Misfit and Murti, Kresna (2020) plagiarisme check : Applications of Bio-Liquid Organic Fertilizer (bio-lof) to Increase the Growth and Production of Corn (zea mays (l)). Science signpost publishing.
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna (2019) Plagiarisme check : The Role of Various Types and Dosage of Biological Compost (Bio-Compost) on Biology and Soil Fertility in Ginger (Zingiber officinale. L). SFRN. (Unpublished)
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna (2019) Plagiarisme check : the study of various compositions of biological fertilizer inliquid organic fertilizer on biological liquid organik fertilizer quality. Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh. (Unpublished)
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna (2019) korespondensi : applications of various types and dosage of bio compost on ginger plant (zingiber officinale L). SAFE Network. (Unpublished)
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna (2019) korespondensi : the role of various types and dosage of biological compost (bio compost) on biology and soil fertility in ginger (zingiber officinale,L). Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh. (Unpublished)
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna (2018) Plagiarisme check : THE STUDY OF VARIOUS COMPOSITIONS OF BIOFERTILIZERS IN ORGANIC FERTILIZER ON BIO-COMPOST QUALITY. SAFE Network. (Unpublished)
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna (2018) korespondensi : the study of various compositions of biofertilizers in organic fertilizer on biocompost quality. SAFE Network. (Unpublished)
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna (2018) korespondensi : the study of various compositions of biological ferilizer in liquid organic fertilizer on biological liquid organik fertilizer quality. SFRN. (Unpublished)
Putrina, Misfit and Yulensri, Yulensri and Murti, Kresna Plagiarisme Check : APPLICATIONS OF VARIOUS TYPES AND DOSAGE OF BIO-COMPOSTS ON GINGER PLANT (Zingiber officinale L.). SAFE Network. (Unpublished)