Model Permintaan Jagung Pipilan di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota

Mukhlis, Mukhlis and Hendriani, Riva and Sidqi, Syakib (2015) Model Permintaan Jagung Pipilan di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. In: Seminar Nasional Ketahanan Pangan dan Pertanian Berkelanjutan: Tantangan dan Peluang Implementasi Teknologi dalam Perspektif Nasional, 07 Oktober 2015, Payakumbuh, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia.

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This research is based on the condition of Lima Puluh Kota Regency, which is one of the central areas of poultry farms in the province of West Sumatra, which its population and production increase from year to year. In 2014 the total population of chicken in Lima Puluh Kota Regency reaches 9,183,953 tails, consisting of 4,895,914 tails laying chicken and broiler 4.28.8039 tails and tail. While the production of corn in Lima Puluh Kota Regency, shows the numbers fluctuate but its productivity is always increasing. Production in 2014 reached 20792.26 tons, the same year laying chicken population is 4,895,914 tails. Feed needed per day was 580.7 tons, so feed the needs of the year (365) days are 211,957.09 tonnes of which were sourced from corn materials (42.76%), which is 90632.85 tons so that in 2014 demand for corn can be fulfilled only 22.94 %. These conditions indicate unmet demand for corn for chicken feed. The purpose of this research are: 1) To determine the number of corn demand, 2) To determine the model of corn demand. The results of research showed: 1) Total demand for corn is always increasing. The number of corn from 6.986,61 s/d 91.258,29 tonnes. The average number of corn to 55.139,06 tonnes per year. The average number of corn needed to feed chicken laying every day is 50.27 gram /tail/day. The average percentage of corn in the feed needed laying chicken is 42.76%. 2) Model of corn demand in Lima Puluh Kota Regency is QDJG = 56.226,282 + 7,942 PDJG - 7,284 PDD - 0,000013 I + 126,514 JP + 0,004 POP.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
Divisions: Jurusan Budi Daya Tanaman Pangan > Prodi Agribisnis
Depositing User: mukhlis mukhlis mukhlis
Date Deposited: 16 Mar 2021 01:50
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2021 01:50

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